Deploying Sinatra App to Heroku

Posted by Ni Chia on June 27, 2019

Deploying the Sinatra app, My-Favetools, to Heroku is a simpler task than deploying the React/Rails app to Heroku.


Heroku does not support Sqlite3 database. So the first order of business is to manually convert the sqlite3 database to Postgresql.

The steps to migrate to Postgresql are:

Update Gemfile to remove gem ‘sqlite3’ and replace it with gem ‘pg’

Run $ bundle install

Update config.environment.rb file to replace:

  :adapter => "sqlite3",
  :database => "db/#{ENV['SINATRA_ENV']}.sqlite"


set :database_file, './database.yml'

Create config/database.yml file to include:

  adapter: postgresql
  encoding: unicode
  database: database_development
  pool: 2
  adapter: postgresql
  encoding: unicode
  databaes: database_production
  pool: 5

Run $ rake db:create (this creates the new database)

Run $ rake db:seed (this populates the database with seed data)

Procfile: for production

Add Procfile to the project root directory to declare what commands are run by the application’s dynos on Heroku platform.

web: bundle exec thin start -p $PORT
release: bundle exec rake db:migrate

Test on the local Heroku server, run $ heroku local and view the local app at localhost:5000

Environment variables: dotenv

Update Gemfile to include:

gem 'dotenv'

Run $ bundle install

Update config/environment.rb to include:

require 'dotenv'

Create a .env file in the project root directory. Then we can add each environment specific variable on a new line:


From application_controller.rb, we can now access the secret defined in our .env file.

set :session_secret, ENV['SESSION_SECRET']

Remember to add the .env file to your .gitignore so it doesn’t get saved to GitHub.

Deploy to Heroku

Create an account on Heroku website

Install Heroku CLI

Login to Heroku: $ heroku login

Create a Heroku app: $ heroku apps:create my-favetools

Configure the environment variables on Heroku:
$ heroku config:set SESSION_SECRET=project_session_secret

Push your project to the new Heroku app: $ git push heroku master

After the app is built on Heroku, set the seed file if you have any: $ heroku run rake db:seed

Run $ heroku open to open the url in a browser and view your app


That completes the deployment of my-favetools app to the internet.

You can find my app here:

*Sign up and login to keep track of and share your favorite tools. Or, you can use this pre-made user account setting to login:
$ username: jade
$ email:
$ password: Pass1@


Deploying a Simple Sinatra App with Postgres to Heroku

Sinatra - postgresql

Heroku - sqlite3

Heroku - rack base app