In this article, we’ll walk through using Gradle to deploy a Spring Boot application on Heroku.
KitchenandRecipes is a Ruby on rails application (with javascript/jQuery), which manages and shares recipes. It uses Rails 5.2 Active Storage to manage and save files to Amazon S3 cloud storage service. ``` App Configuration:
Deploying the Sinatra app, My-Favetools, to Heroku is a simpler task than deploying the React/Rails app to Heroku.
Now that Campoutz app is completed and running locally, it is time to look into sharing the app on the internet. I decided to stay on familiar ground and deploy my first web application on Heroku, like many of my fellow Flatiron School classmates.
For my final project with Flatiron School, I created an app called Campoutz with React front end, using Redux to manage the state, and Ruby on Rails API back end. Campoutz fetches data from the Recreation Information Database (RIDB) API and displays the listing of campgrounds information. Users need to signup and login to save campgrounds to their favorites.